To Do, 2014-2015  /  2015, screen print, 30" x 26'

This piece is comprised of to do lists from the 2014-2015 academic year as a response to the overwhelm of tasks related to working, mothering, and self-care. After many failed attempts to digitally organize my schedule, I resorted to clipping quarters of 8 ½” x 11” paper as a way to organize the mountain of work I faced. These lists make up the collages on each of the twelve sheets of paper.

This work also responds to the value our culture places on what we accomplish rather than who we are as a record of worth. It acts as a reminder that achievement is irrelevant if we are not able to find joy in the mundane. Anne Dillard in The Writing Life states, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”  I hold her words closely as I find ways to experience contentment in the tedium of the day to day.


Dillard, Annie. The Writing Life. 1st Harper Perennial ed.. ed. New York: New York : Harper Perennial, 1989. Print.